Tyngsborough Police Chief Thanks Community for Supporting Family in Aftermath of Fire


Some of the more than $3,500 in gift cards and cash donated by the Tyngsborough Community to aid a family from Fletcher Drive in the aftermath of a fire. Dozens of essential clothing items were also donated. (Photo Courtesy Tyngsborough Police)

TYNGSBOROUGH — Tyngsborough Police Chief Richard D. Howe would like to thank the Tyngsborough community for its generosity in response to a call to support a family devastated last week by a fatal fire.

Following a fire on Jan. 27 that killed one resident and destroyed a home on Fletcher Drive, the Tyngsborough Police Department worked with former Select Board Chair Karyn Puleo to collect funds, clothing and other donations to support the family.

“I would like to offer a very sincere thank you to all residents, businesses, and others, including our own Patrol officers union, and individual members of the Tyngsborough Police and Fire departments, for your amazingly quick and generous donations for the family stricken by the fire on Fletcher Drive,” Chief Howe said. “It goes without saying that we are not surprised at the support and compassion once again exhibited by this community.”

Chief Howe and Deputy Police Chief Shaun Woods delivered more than $3,500 in gift cards and cash as well as dozens of essential clothing items to the family on Tuesday afternoon.

“On behalf of the Tyngsborough Police Department, thank you to everyone who came together to support a family in need,” Chief Howe said.

“I’d like to express my gratitude to the community for the quick fulfillment of a family’s immediate needs and the outpouring of generosity beyond what was asked,” said Karyn Puleo.
