Tyngsborough Police and Fire Departments and Board of Health Invite Community to Health and Safety Fair

Police Chief Richard Howe, Fire Chief Wes Russell, and Health Director Kerri Oun would like to invite the community to the Tyngsborough Health and Safety Fair for a day of fun and educational activities.


Saturday, Sept. 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Tyngsborough Elementary School, 205 Westford Road, Tyngsborough, MA


The Tyngsborough Police Department, Fire Department and Board of Health are joining forces this year to turn Public Safety Day into the Tyngsborough Health and Safety Fair, with opportunities to meet and get to know first responders while also learning valuable lessons about health and wellness.

There will be a touch-a-truck opportunity, with vehicles from Tyngsborough Police and Fire, the Northeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council, Massachusetts State Police and the Massachusetts National Guard on hand.

There will also be face-painting, balloon animals, snacks and drinks, as well as music, games, and giveaways.

The Board of Health will provide free health check ups, and even opportunities to donate blood or get a flu shot. There will also be plenty of educational handouts to help residents learn about fire prevention, first aid and emergency preparedness.

“We have expanded Public Safety Day to include the Board of Health this year, and as a result we will have significantly more activities and information on hand for residents,” said Chief Howe. “I encourage all community members to stop by the Tyngsborough Elementary School for a fun and educational day meeting first responders and public servants from Tyngsborough.”

To learn more about the Health and Safety Fair, click here.